Friday, January 16, 2009

Live for Now...

The past few weeks I've been contemplating what to do with my life.
I'm 22, I've moved back in with my mom, I'm working a temporary job, and I have a fair amount of debt to pay off... it's enough to cause a bit of stress.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm cut out for this whole "real world".
There are so many options, so many goals I want to reach, and some of them conflict. I can't have it all, but how do I decide what path to follow? How do I know that 5 years from now I won't regret the decisions I make today?
I don't know. I can't know. I won't know.
Planning things out is so opposite of who I am. I want to be the spontaneous, fun loving, "everything will work out in the end" attitude girl that I used to be. That's how it was while I was in Australia, but coming home to the routine 8-5 job has got me back into the mindset that everything needs to be planned out. I hate thinking that way, it doesn't suit me.
So I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to wait and see where my life takes me and I know that there are big things to come in the near future, whether it's a new career, more traveling, or whatever comes my way, I'm ready and waiting to face it.
The best moments in life are the ones that you least expect.

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