Monday, August 4, 2008

And so it begins, another blog obsession for me. I really need to stop joining every application on the internet.

So la-di-da... I suppose I'll do the introductions... I'm Krysta. I'm 22 years young, proudly Canadian, but currently having the time of my life in Australia, doing the "Working" Holiday thing. That said, I'm unemployed at the moment. I'm hoping that maybe that will change later on this week. How did I end up way over here in the land of Vegemite (which I gave an honest effort to enjoy, but couldn't bring myself to do) and kangaroos? Well, about a year ago I was seriously at a miserable point in my life. Nothing was really wrong, yet I was never really happy. So I got 2 jobs, worked 80 hours a week, and when I finally had the money, I bought plane tickets and got rid of everything I owned, with the exception of a backpack, which has faithfully came along with me this entire remarkable journey. Oh, I'm not as brave as I sound either. I came alone, but only because my friends refused to join me. The first time I saw a spider the size of my hand, I was standing on a couch waiting for the 70 year old woman I was staying with to kill it. No sir, I'm not brave. I'm just doing what I want to do and attempting to overcome my fears along the way. It's been 9 months now, and my happy go lucky dream world is coming to an end in 2 months. I don't honestly know what it will be like going home... seeing everybody once again is going to be amazing, yet at the same time, reflecting upon how far I've come in the year away from home (dude, I jumped out of a plane!) in comparison to how little has changed is going to be a tough realization to grasp. Yeah, I'm pretty dramatic. Life's not that bad, in fact, I'm incredibly priveledged to be where I'm at right now. Guaranteed, 3 months from now, I'm going to be blogging about how much I miss Australia, how perfect life was and why did I have to take it for granted. That's me. Life will go on, and I'll never change.

Seeing as how this is my first blog ever here, I feel the need to briefly sum up the past 10 months of my life, because they are quite likely the most important and eventful months I've experienced, ever, so far.

September 2007: This entire month, I'd drove my friends, family, and even guests at the restaurant I worked with insane with talks of Australia. Needless to say, I was excited. I bought a backpack, moved out of my house and into my mom's house, and counted down the days, even hours, until my departure.

October 2007: Oh, what a month. Many tears, going away parties, and more excitement than I knew I was capable of experiencing. At my "Official" going away party, the majority of my friends left to go to the bar, because apparently, I wasn't as much. So I cried drunken tears, thought of how unloved I was, did some more shooters, and got over it. They'd miss me when I was gone, I told myself. On October 24th, the day arrived and I said goodbye to my friends, and headed to the airport in a snowstorm. My mom came with me for the first month of my journey, and we spent the remainder of October lazing around the amazing country of Thailand.

November 2007: After Thailand, we headed to Singapore, and then, FINALLY, to Australia. I got off the plane, and was instantly shocked. +15?! It gets cold in Australia? Okay, so it wasn't THAT cold, but I'm a bit hard to please. Eventually, it got warm, and my mom and I spent the month driving up the East Coast of Australia; on the other side of the road.

December 2007: My mommy left me alone in a foreign country. And then I cried. In the end, I made friends, and spent my days wandering around Sydney, taking hundreds of photos of the Harbour Bridge and all that jazz. I spent way too much money, and never did a job as planned. I spent Christmas drinking Vodka Cruisers on the beach, and although I was incredibly homesick, it was an amazing day.

January 2008: I rang in New Years in Sydney, amongst 20,000 other excited spectators. The fireworks were epic, and it remains on my top 5 of experiences this trip. Later that month, I caught a flight to Cairns, a tropical city in Far North Queensland, where I landed a job as a bartender in a restaurant called "Apres", spent many hours at the lagoon to escape the +40 heat, and was crowned Backpacker Idol, winning my new found friends 2 jugs of beer. I hate beer.

February 2008: Constantly at work, but even more play. I convinced my friend flambouyant friend Jake to come to Aussie Land, and he flew up to Cairns for a week before returning to Sydney, where he has remained since. Apparently Cairns gay scene wasn't thriving. We jumped out of a plane, from 14,000 feet, which probably rates #1 on my experiences list. Oh, and I went to the Great Barrier Reef, and although I failed to find Nemo, I swam with a sea turtle, and that was just as amazing.

March 2008: It rained. It poured. There were floods. I was miserable. So I bought a bus ticket, gave my resignation, and planned for more travel the month following.

April 2008: I got on a Greyhound bus, and bid farewell to my lovely life in Cairns. I spent 3 lazy days on Magnetic Island, got a great tan, and then headed onwards to the Whitsundays, where I sailed through paradise and slept under the stars. When the party was over, I moved on to Rockhampton, home of absolutely nothing exciting, but where I met my distant relatives for the first time.

May 2008: Rockhampton was boring, so I headed to Fraser Island, where I saw 5 shooting stars in one night, spotted sharks from the top of a cliff, and witnessed one amazing sunrise. I was quite poor by this time, so I headed back to Fraser Island, and got a job at Eurong Beach Resort, as a restaurant supervisor. Oh, and I became a vegetarian.

June 2008: I worked, and I worked, and then I turned 22. And then I worked some more. I missed civilization and dreamt of being in a big city once again.

July 2008: I left the island after 2 long months, hitched a ride to Brisbane, and met up with Jake once again. We shopped, sipped Starbucks, and I took in the wonder that is civilization. Jake went back to Sydney, and I met up with Jay, my 4th cousin, who is amazingly cool. After a day of knowing eachother, we booked flights to Fiji. Bula.

It's August now, and I'm still wandering the city aimlessly, wishing I had a job, yet not searching very hard for one....

That's about all for this evening. More to come, as I am a lazy, unemployed vagabond.

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